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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Christian Hypocrisy and the Middle East

Some thoughts after reading this Economist article on Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and watching tonight's CNN debate:

I will preface this by saying the Arab world is not a perfect place. However, if I was a moderate Arab, I imagine it would be hard to petition my citizens to integrate with Western ideals when Western bombs have caused / are causing so much death and destruction in my region.

Since many American Christians like to bring religion into the Middle East discussion, it is infuriating that these same Christians continue to conveniently overlook the undeniable truth that America's leaders have far more innocent Arab blood on their hands over the past four decades than vice-versa. I'm sick of American Christians imagining they are reliving the f-ing Crusades while simultaneously overlooking the human tragedy which motives so many Islamic radicals.

America has all the power, all the big guns and weapons, but what have we done with our power and might? We haven't used our post-WWII power to innocently defend our borders...instead we have used our post-WWII power to exert our will on weaker Arab countries. We have overthrown governments, supported ruthless dictators, caused immense death and destruction and killed thousands of innocents. America has the moral responsibility to take the high road...but what do so-called Christians like Santorum, Romney and Gingrich want to do? Cause more death and destruction. And many Christians buy into this bullshit. It's shameful.

No wonder my generation likes Ron Paul...we are really good at smelling the bullshit hypocrisy of the left and right.

1 comment:


    A former Fed official says in the Wall Street Journal that the Federal Reserve is covertly bailing out Europe. Insight with Gerald O'Driscoll, Cato Institute senior fellow, who says the Fed operated a "temporary U.S. dollar liquidity swap arrangement."
